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EFL/ESL Speaking Games

EFL/ESL games to practice speaking skills
Secret Word

1. Student A leaves the room.
2. The other students choose a secret word
3. Then student A returns and has to ask questions to elicit the secret word
4. Example questions include: Is it a character/object, Where does it live, What tasks can it be used for, etc.


I only have a class of ten students so it is easy to get everyone involved. So any variations for a bigger class are welcome,

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1. Divide class into groups of 6 or more, and arrange each group in a straight line or row.

2. Ask for a volunteer listener from each group. Take them outside of the classroom and give them a message (one sentence or more, depending on student level).

3. Open the door, and let the students run to the first member of their group to whisper the message.

4. Each member passes the message, by whispering, to their neighbor.

5. When the message reaches the end, the last person should run to the board and write the message that they heard.

The winner could be determined in various ways: first team to pass a legible, complete message (even if it's wrong), first team to finish, first team with a message closest to the original.

- Ask the last student to repeat the message to YOU, and write it on the board yourself. This is a good way to practice pronunciation, and to determine which sounds students have trouble with.

This game could take up 5 minutes or 30, depending on how much time you have and how interested the kids are. I've used it with high schoolers in Korea and they loved it. We spent over half the class on this activity.


Word Challenge

1. Have students get into teams of 4-10 people
2. One person from each team does rocks, paper, scissors
3. Winner says a word and opponent tries to write the word correctly
4. If they get it right, their team gets a point
5. If they get it wrong, the person who said the word can write it out for a point for their team
6. Have another person from each team play 'Word Challenge'


* Make an 'arena' in the middle of the class for two students to face off


Students will start to look up difficult words to stump the other team. Remember to to a follow-up assignment for words used, such as teaching the class the meanings and having students make sentences with the new words.

A big thanks to Nick for this EFL/ESL game!


Three Kingdoms

1. Place a number of cards with the words "Who," "What," "Where," "When," "Why," and "How" face down
2. Among the cards is a "China" card
3. Divide the class into three groups and designate them as one of the ancient Korean kingdoms: Shilla, Baekje, and Goguryeo
4. All "kingdoms" start with 100 points
5. Groups take turns flipping over and one card at a time and make a question with the word
6. For every correct question they make, they get two "Army" cards, which have a power of ten
7. For every third correct question, they get a "Castle" card which grants 50 bonus points. (Ask: "Who do you want to attack?)
8. After making a correct question, groups can choose to continue taking Army cards OR they can choose to use up their army cards to attack another group and destroy their points
9. However, whoever turns over a "China" card will cause ALL groups to lose one Castle (-50 points) and ALL their Army cards!


* Make smaller groups and include other "kingdoms" such as Gaya and Mahan
* If you are teaching in other countries change names
o For example, if you are teaching in China, you can change the "Kingdom" names to states or dynasties in Chinese history and have the "Huns" or ;quot;Mongols" as the killer card
* Include other question words, not just the standard who, what, where, when, why, and how
* Put grammar or trivia questions on cards
* Assign each group a "capital city" as a starter castle and city names or specific castle names to "castle cards," this way you can also "Who do you want to attack?" and "Where do you want to attack?" or "What do you want to attack?"


A big thanks to Ogedei for this ESL/EFL game!


The Hot Seat

1. Break class into 4 or less teams
2. Place a 'hot seat' in front of the class and facing away from the board
3. Each team selects a leader
4. One team is up at a time and their leader sits in the hot seat
5. Write ten words on the board so the leader can't see them
6. Number the words 1-10
7. Each team member is assigned a word or words on the board
8. Some team members may have more than one word
9. Team members take turns communicating their word to the leader without
saying the word with no spelling, writing, or drawing allowed
10. Team members can say 'pass' if their word is too difficult
11. Each team has 1 minute to get as many words as possible
12. The team with the most points at the end wins


* Use simple words like animals or days of the week for weaker students
* Use the word 'pass' as one of the words on the board to challenge strong students


This game can be challenging to explain so preparing directions in the student's native language can be helpful.

A big thanks to Steve for this EFL/ESL game!


Spin the Coin

1. Lay out an arbitrary number of flashcards in a circle
formation, making sure the edges of the flashcards are touching (i.e.
no “holes” in the circle: taping the cards down helps)
2. Give each player some marker pieces (colored chips work well)
3. Prepare a 'coin' from cardboard, etc. with a line on each side, from the center of the coin to the edge
4. Spin the coin in the middle of the circle and have the first student slam their hand down on the coin
5. The
line on the coin serves as a pointer and the student says the
vocabulary word or grammar structure on the card the line points to
6. If they are right, they place one of their markers on the card
7. The first student to get rid of all of their markers wins


* Use pictures for less advanced students
* Have special flashcards such as 'place your marker on any available card' or 'remove 1 marker from a card'
* Only allow one marker on each card


If you are using only a few flashcards, make the number of markers be equal to the number of flashcards.

A big thanks to David for this EFL/ESL game!

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Sentence Jumble


1. Make a series of sentences, three more than the number of teams in your class
2. Print the sentences in large text
3. Cut each sentence into separate words
4. Put each sentence into its separate envelopes
5. Number each envelope with a marker


1. Diving the class into pairs or small groups
2. Give each team one envelope
3. Students arrange the words into a correct sentence, copy it into their notebooks, and put words back into envelope
4. When finished, students say the sentence, show their notebooks, and bring their envelope to the teacher
5. If sentence is not correct, they go back and fix the error
6. If sentence is correct, they can swap their envelope for a new one with a different sentence
7. The first team to unscramble all of the sentences is the winner


* Use easy sentences for less advanced students
* Use more complex sentences for more advanced students


This game is a sure success with any level or age group

A big thanks to Brian for this ESL/EFL game!


Running Dictation

1. Break students up into groups of 3-4, or pairs for small classes
2. Put one sentence on a piece of paper for each team
3. One leader from each team goes to the board and tries to remember their sentence
4. The leader returns to their group and dictates the sentence while team members write it down
5. First team to finish correctly gets a point
6. Change words/sentences and switch leaders


* Use pictures for children who can't spell and have them draw the picture instead of writing the words
* Use multiple sentences for more advanced students
* Place
sentences around the room and have each group member do one each.
* Groups have to put the sentences into the right order before turning in the paper


Make each team's paper different so students don't simply listen to other teams. Leaders are not allowed to take their paper, write down anything, or yell across the room. They are allowed to return to board to look at their paper as many times as they like. Use words from class to reinforce learned vocabulary and grammar structures.

What are your variations? Leave comments on other variations below...

A big thanks to I for this EFL/ESL game!


Run and Write

1. Give each team a list of words
2. Have each team select a leader
3. Teacher says one word from list several times
4. Teams search for word, then have leader go to board and write word
5. Leaders must give teach a Hi-five after writing the word correctly
6. First leader to give the teacher hi-five gets five points
7. Next leader to finished gets 4 points, next one 3, etc


* Use sentences for higher levels
* See Running Dictation


You can make a word list or just use the word index in the back of your textbook. Students cannot shout letters out to leader but they can show it to her/him as many times as they need. Encourage them to say the letters out loud when the leader come over for help. Subtracting a point from noisy teams helps keep things under control.
Make sure to switch leaders after every word and do a follow up exercise with the words used.

A big thanks to Nick for this EFL/ESL game!



1. Prepare sets of at least 12 flashcards for each group
2. Lay out a number of flashcards in several rows
3. Any number of rows is possible
4. I like to use at least 12 cards in a 3x4 format
5. Players take turns saying and removing any number of cards from a single row
6. The player who has to take the last card loses


* Play with the alphabet where the student who says “Z” loses
* Play with numbers where a number is set ahead of time to be the last number
* Have the loser perform a silly task


A big thanks to David for this EFL/ESL game!

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Language Games

TEACHING INDEX | NEXT-----Highly recommended to all English language schools/teachers/learners: DICEWORDS



Teaching Index


Higher intermediate

1. Word Prompts
2. Kim's game (longer & longer lists)
3. Guessing nouns via "Is it + adjective" questions
4. Market trader: guess the connection (I can sell + LIST)
5. Comparisons: How is XXX like YYY?
6. BLIP (sometimes known as COFFEE POT) Guess the verb
7. Guess the ADVERB
8. The Preposition Game
9. Classroom observation
10. Simon says (Action verbs + Parts of the body)
12. Find your partner (Stick self adhesive labels to Ss' backs)
13. What's my nationality? Who am I?
14. What's my job? (from open lists) Guessing games (closed lists)
15. The Airline HELP desk - miming
16. The Yes/No Game (from Michael Miles: "Take Your Pick")
17. Word in edgeways (Conversation game)
18. Consequences (Paper & Pencil game)
19. CHARADES: book / play / song / film / musical
20. 20 Questions: Animal, Vegetable or Mineral (Abstract with V connections)


Word Prompts

Team A

Team B

Students from Team (B) have to guess the words on your LIST. Before each guess, say a word which will help Team (B) to guess correctly. But DO NOT SAY THE WORD ON YOUR LIST.

Students from Team (A) have to guess the words on your LIST. Before each guess, say a word which will help Team (A) to guess correctly. But DO NOT SAY THE WORD ON YOUR LIST.

YOUR LIST (Team B must guess)

YOUR LIST (Team A must guess)

A1 horse

B1 car

A2 window

B2 Big Ben

A3 elephant

B3 cup

A4 England

B4 floor

A5 teacher

B5 kangaroo

A6 London

B6 lemon

A7 river

B7 Russia

A8 book

B8 ice cream

A9 Margaret Thatcher

B9 Micky Mouse

A10 karate

B10 bath


Kim's game (longer & longer lists) see Rudyard Kipling for origin of game

In my [pocket] [shopping bag] [house] [garden] [country] [dream], there is / are / was /were

(The teacher imposes the necessary restrictions according to the vocabulary area)

I packed my bag and in it I put:

an X (longer & longer list)

an X and some Ys.

an X, some Ys, a Z, an ___ and some _____s

(As you go round the class each student has to recite the existing list and add an item in the same category).


Guessing nouns via "Is it + adjective" questions

Guessing Games: Vocabulary. Questions with ADJECTIVES

Group A

Questions to ask opposing team(s)

1. chair

Ask YES/NO questions:

2. bus

Is it big / round /square / rectangular?

3. head

Is there one in this room?

4. bicycle

Can we eat it?

5. computer

Is it made of wood / plastic / metal?

6. chocolate

Ask your own questions

Group B

Questions to ask opposing team(s)

1. tree

Ask YES/NO questions:

2. shoe

Is it small/yellow/light/dark/circular?

3. tea

Have you one in your house / country?

4. knife

Do you like it?

5. finger

Is it used every day?

6. button

Ask your own questions

Group C

Questions to ask opposing team(s)

1. bra

Ask YES/NO questions:

2. pen

Is it larger than a chair?

3. mouse

Can I see one now?

4. coffee

Do you find it indoors or outdoors?

5. jumbo jet

Are there a lot of them in this school?

6. mobile phone

Ask your own questions:

Group D

Questions to ask opposing team(s)

1. cat

Ask YES/NO questions:

2. house

Is it hard / soft / high / tall / low ?

3. gate

Is it liquid or solid?

4. guitar

Do I see one every day?

5. sugar

Have you got one in your house / with you?

6. washing machine

Ask your own questions:


Market trader: guess the connection (I can sell + LIST)

Ss: I'm a market trader and I can sell (camcorders) (compact disks) (televisions).

T: That's right. You can.

Ss: I'm a market trader and I can sell (steam engines) (saucepans) (guitars)

T: No you can't.

CONNECTION: Invented after 1900.

Other possible restrictions

1. objects must begin with the same letter as the S's first name.

2. objects must begin with the same letter as the first name of S on the right of speaker.

3. must be in the room

4. must be made of special material / must include wood or metal

5. must be objects you can grow.


Each student has a turn of saying "I'm a market trader and I can sell...."

The person who knows the connection (T or S) gives feedback (Yes, you can or No, you can't.

The students must guess the connection. Either call it out or write it down after a reasonable number of examples have been given.


Comparisons: How is XXX like YYY?

Finding Connections (Word Fields and Adjective Comparisons

Group A

How is XXX like YYY?

How does XXX differ from YYY?





1. milk


3. café


2. computer


4. umbrella


Group B

How is XXX like YYY?

How does XXX differ from YYY?





1. kettle


3. doctor


2. moustache


4. cooker


Group C

How is XXX like YYY?

How does XXX differ from YYY?





1. horse


3. beer


2. sock


4. wristwatch


Group D

How is XXX like YYY?

How does XXX differ from YYY?





1. ice


3. dictionary


2. chemist


4. record

compact disk


BLIP (sometimes known as COFFEE POT) Guess the verb

Each student is given a VERB. (See that it is suitable for the level of the class).

In pairs or as a whole class, discover the VERB through QUESTIONS.

The nonsense word "BLIP" should be substituted for the target VERB.

Write sample QUESTIONS on the board

When / Where / Why / How do you blip?

Can you blip someone / something / somewhere?

Do you often blip?

Did you blip yesterday?

Are you blipping now?

Are you going to blip this weekend?

Have you blipped since you arrived in England?

Do you like blipping?

Do you blip with your hands?

If I saw you blipping, would you be embarrassed?

The aim of the game is not to guess the meaning of the word "Blip" straight away. When you think you know the meaning of the word "Blip", you could ask further questions which make the meaning of the word "Blip" clear to the rest of the class or which amuse the student who is answering the questions.

Sample Verbs




















































Guess the ADVERB

One student goes out of the room. The rest of the class think of an adverb or the teacher selects one and writes it on the board for everybody to see. It is rubbed off the board before the student outside returns.

The returned student asks a variety of questions to different students. They all answer in the manner suggested by the adverb.

Alternatively, the returned student can ask members of the class to do things. They then have to perform the actions in the manner suggested by the adverb.

After hearing a sample of answers or observing a sample of actions performed by different students, the student who originally left the classroom is then asked to guess the adverb.



























The Preposition Game

The teacher thinks of a room of a house and a hiding-place in which to hide an object.

(1) I've hidden YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT and today is YOUR BIRTHDAY!

Ss: Have you put it __________________________?

(2) I hid my mother's Christmas present LAST CHRISTMAS!

Ss: Did you put it ____________________________?

(3) I'm going to hide my brother's Christmas present NEXT CHRISTMAS!

Ss: Are you going to put it ________________________?

(4) EVERY CHRISTMAS, my uncle hides my present!

Ss: Does he put it ________________________________?

Practise different tenses. A student can choose a hiding-place and the rest of the class can ask the questions. Alternatively, students can work in pairs.


Classroom observation

Seat TWO students at the front of the class facing the white/black board with the other students looking on. The two students are both given a chance to answer each question and they are awarded points for correct answers.

Sample Questions

1. How many windows / tables / chairs / students are there?

2. What are their names?

3. Who is sitting next to Z / between X and Y / opposite X / on the left / on the right?

4. What is (s)he wearing? / What colour is Z's shirt.

Alternatively, seat students in pairs back to back and issue them with a checklist of vocabulary for describing physical appearance and clothing:

Height tall/short

Build well-built

Age middle-aged

Hair style curly

Hair length long

Eyes large-eyed

Shape of head oval

Complexion fresh

Article of clothing




shirt / skirt etc

dark green

plain /checked

light blue

Ask them to describe each other using suitable words from each category.

I spy with my little eye - something beginning with + letter ABC

The objects sighted must be in view of all the students in the classroom.


Simon says (Action verbs + Parts of the body)

Students should only obey the commands if you preface each one with Simon says. If you omit the preface Simon says any student who obeys the command can no longer participate in the game. The last student to remain in the game is the winner.

Simon says: "hands up", "hands down", "thumbs up", "thunbs down", "fingers up", "fingers down".

Simon says: "touch your eyes / ears / nose / mouth with the forefinger / middle finger / ring finger / little finger / of your (right)(left) hand.

Simon says: "put your right hand / left hand / both hands on your right / left knee."

Simon says: "shut / open your eyes", "stand up / sit down", "stand on your right / left leg".

Simon says: "bend your knees / body", "straighten your knees / body".

Simon says: "fold your arms", "put your arms by your side".

Simon says: "wave your right hand", "STOP", "jump up and down", "STOP".

Simon says: "point at the ceiling / floor with the forefinger/ middle finger / ring finger / little finger / of your right / left hand.




Each student tries to write a telegram (or short e-mail message!) using the letters of their name as the initial letters of the words e.g. TED = Treasure Every Day.

Place-names can also be used:

LONDON: Living On Nothing Drives One Nuts.

ENGLAND: Every Nice Girl Loves A Non-alcoholic Drink.

TOKYO: Thinking Of Kissing Yoko Ono.

JAPAN: Jokes About Politicians Are Normal.

STOCKHOLM: Sexy Toyoto Owners Can Kiss Happily On London Motorways

SWEDEN: Sociable Women Eat Doughnuts Every Night


As an alternative to a straight spelling test, the words can be given with jumbled letters:








This is a popular game. It is very useful at low levels and the words which students have to guess can be restricted to areas of vocabulary (i.e. themes or semantic sets) or new words introduced in a particular lesson.


Find your partner (Stick self adhesive labels to Ss' backs)

The teacher prepares SELF-ADHESIVE TYPEWRITER ADDRESS LABELS ( which can be purchased in rolls to stick on the backs of all the students in the class.

Each label contains a real person's name or the name of a character from fiction or television cartoons. Each named person should have a natural partner, for example if you write a label with the name ROMEO, there should also be a label with the name JULIET stuck on somebody's back. If you have an odd number of students in your class, stick a label on your own back, but let the students do the questioning.

Questions must be of the type that can either be answered with YES or No:

Am I man or a woman? Alive or dead? European or American? Real or fictitious?

Am I a character from a cartoon or a book? Am I rich? Am I famous?

Have I been in the news recently? Am I someone from your country? Britain?

Do I work in sport / music / entertainment / the cinema / the theatre?



TOM the cat

JERRY the mouse



Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth II

Micky Mouse

Minnie Mouse

Stan Laurel

Oliver Hardy

King Juan Carlos

Queen Sofia

André Agassi

Steffi Graff

Nelson Mandella

Winnie Mandella

John Lennon

Yoko Ono

Richard Burton

Elizabeth Taylor

Bonnie (gangster)

Clyde (gangster)


Jane (jungle girl)

The Lone Ranger

Tonto (cowboy)

Prince Charles

Princess Diana


Prince Charming


What's my nationality? Who am I?

Student (A) thinks of a nationality

Student (B) asks:

"Do you wear______________?"

"Do you drink / eat _________ ?"

"Do you play (sport) or (game)?"

"Do you play the (musical instrument)?"

"Does it rain / snow a lot there?"

"Is it very hot / very cold there?"

"Do the people like ______ there?"

"Are the people there tall / short / romantic / hard-working / rich / poor?

Student (A) thinks of a famous person, fictitious character or cartoon character?

Student (B) asks YES/NO questions as in 12. Find Your Partner.


What's my job? (from open lists) Guessing games (closed lists)

Questions for those guessing

Do you work indoors or outdoors? / in a trade or profession? / in a factory or an office?

Do you work with your hands? Do you wear a uniform? Do you work long hours?

Do you work from 9-5? Do you work regular hours? Do you work at weekends?

Do you work with people or machines? Are you in a service industry?

Do you sell something? Do you earn a lot of money? Must you have good qualifications to do your job?



1. police officer

2. nurse

3. farmer

4. shopkeeper

5. scientist

6. artist

7. princess

8. dressmaker

9. civil engineer

10. bricklayer

11. caretaker

12. accountant


1. singer

2. cook

3. secretary

4. student

5. driver

6. engineer

7. president

8. painter

9. chiropodist

10. fishmonger

11. receptionist

12. mathematician


1. actor

2. teacher

3. manager

4. soldier

5. gardener

6. musician

7. writer

8. chemist

9. social worker

10. surgeon

11. bee-keeper

12. newsagent


1. doctor

2. housewife

3. baker

4. pilot

5. factory worker

6. cowboy

7. builder

8. dentist

9. solicitor

10. secret agent

11. dustman

12. air-hostess

Miming lists of jobs: A & B teams

Student A chooses ONE of the jobs in Groups 1 and 2 above.

Student B chooses ONE of the jops in Groups 3 and 4 above.

The students have to mime their jobs so their partners can guess what they are.


The Airline HELP desk - miming

Write a role card for each student in the class giving them a problem which could occur in an airport. Each student has to mime their problem. The class try to guess the problem by asking questions, but the student with the problem is not permitted to speak. They can only signal YES or NO.

This is a good game for teaching vocabulary in a memorable context. The stranger the problem, the more probable it is that the words will become part of the class's active vocabulary.

Example of a problem:

My wife's gone through passport control with my boarding card. She is wearing a long red coat and is carrying a rolling pin. Can you find her?

A pigeon has flown into the Food Hall and is eating the fruit cake.

The game is especially good for supplying the right formulae in difficult situations where languages may be a problem:

The Airline HELP desk can be moved to another environment e.g. a language school, a hospital or a hotel (See CUP Maley & Duff's hotel receptionist).


The Yes/No Game (from Michael Miles: "Take Your Pick")

Different students volunteer to be asked questions. They must avoid saying the words "YES" or "NO" for a given period of time e.g. 1-2 minutes.

This is done by using expressions like: "I do", "I am", "that's true", "that isn't true",

"that's not correct", "exactly", "precisely", "that's right", "that's correct", "I think so",

"probably", "possibly", "usually".

The questioners can try to trap them through deliberate misunderstanding and

echo questions: "Did you say usually? So you said you live in Stuttgart? Perhaps?


Do you come from Australia? Are you sure you don't?

Are you single or married? So you're divorced. You're not interested in marriage?

Do you like English food? So you LOVE English food. You think it's the best in the world?

Have you been to Florence? So you haven't been to Italy?

Which is more important - health or money? You said "health"?

How many brothers and sisters do you have? Fifteen?

Would you like a million pounds? So you're not interested in money?

Are you more intelligent than your parents? So you're less intelligent?

Did you say you were stupid?

Do you like your teacher? Is he / she the best teacher you've ever had?

The best in the world?

What are your hobbies? So you like listening to folk music?

Can you use a computer / play the piano? You can?


Word in edgeways (Conversation game)

Students work in pairs. Each partner is given a strip of paper with an unusual sentence written on it. They keep this concealed. If possible they try to learn the sentence off by heart.

Then they start conversing about any subject, but their real object is to get their given sentence into the conversation without their partner realising and before their partner is able to do the same. To do this successfully they have to move the topic of conversation towards a context in which their sentence could naturally occur.

Sample sentences for strips:

1. The farmer was carrying a yellow guitar.

2. Elvis Presley was waiting on Brighton Station

3.The bottles were full of green milk.

4. She kissed him on the nose and went to bed.

5. The French student wrote twenty love letters.

6. The policeman was dressed in pink shoes and a bow-tie

7. The plane landed on the roof of Buckingham Palace.

8. The beauty queen made me a cup of tea.

9. The fly took off again and landed on my pillow.

10 The dog slipped on the banana skin and broke its leg.

11. The water was so deep that the child had to call for help.

12. The king was glad that nobody wanted his autograph.

To win the game, you have to continue speaking for a while after getting your sentence into the conversation without being correctly challenged. You can also win by correctly challenging your partner as soon as you think they are reciting their sentence. If your challenge is wrong, you lose the game. It is therefore good strategy to set traps for your partner by including strange sentences in the conversation which differ from your given sentence.


Consequences (Paper & Pencil game)

Each student is given an A4 sheet of paper with some fields to fill in. They only fill in ONE field in order (from the top to the bottom) and fold the sheet over to the next continuous line _____________________________________________________ to hide what they have written. They then pass the paper on to the next student who fills in the next field and fold the paper over to the next line before handing the sheet to the third student. This continues until all the fields are hidden. The paper is then passed on once again. Each paper will contain an amusing story (sequence of events). This is read aloud by the student. If the student's reading is poor, then the teacher should read the story out again using correct intonation and stress to bring out the humour.

Name of a man famous or one in your class _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Name of a woman famous or one in your class _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


at / in / on

Name of a Place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


He said to her

"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "


She said to him

" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"


Consequence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



CHARADES: book / play / song / film / musical

One or two students agree on the title of a song, a book, a play, a musical, a TV programme or a film (Note that films are often given different titles in different countries). They then tell the class how many words there are in the title. If any definite or indefinite articles occur in the title, the students must tell the class where they occur in the title. They must also say whether the title is from a song, a book, a play, a musical, a TV programme or a film. They must not say the name of the title.

EXAMPLES (If the students are at a lower level, you can give them the titles)

Fatal Attraction (2 words) (The title is from a film)

Cats (1 word) (The title is from a musical)

Gone With The Wind (4 words: the 3rd word is the definite article) (It's from a film)

Red is the colour (4 words: 3rd word is the definite article - a song)

Starlight Express (2 words) (It's from a musical)

Chess (1 word) (It's from a musical)

I wanna hold you hand (5 words. 2nd word is slang made up from 2 words: a song)

Blowing in the Wind (4 words: the 3rd word is the definite article) (It's from a song)

My Bonnie lies over the ocean (6 words: the 5th word is the definite article - a song)

Imagine (1 word) (It's from a song)

Les Miserables (2 words including the French definite article) (It's from a musical)

Octopussy (1 word) (It's from a film)

From Russia with Love (4 words. It's from a film)

Oliver Twist (2 words) (It's from a book)

Paperback writer (2 words - a song)

EastEnders (1 word with a capital letter in the middle) (It's from a TV program)

Tom and Jerry (3 words - a TV programme)

Popeye the Sailorman (3 words: 2nd word is the definite article - a TV programme)

Neighbours (1 word) (It's from a TV program)

Romeo and Juliet (3 words) (It's from a play)

A Midsummer Night's Dream (4 words: the 1st word is the indefinite article) (a play)

The students who have thought up the title then have to mime it. They can point to any REALIA (e.g. maps on the wall) in the classroom. If the game is proving too difficult for everybody, allow the mimers to sketch on the board or make animal noises, but THEY MUST NOT WRITE or give away any of the words in the title.

The other members of the class have to guess the title. You can set a time limit or limit the number of guesses. The game is one of co-operation between the students who are miming and those who are guessing. A quick result points either to an easy title to mime or good paralinguistic communication skills.

Some students like to mime every word in the title in consecutive order; others mime whole situations which point to the full title.


20 Questions: Animal, Vegetable or Mineral (Abstract with V connections)

A student thinks of any object, substance, animal, person or abstract noun and declares whether it is animal, vegetable, mineral or abstract ("love" would be declared as abstract with animal connections) (People count as animal!)

Phrases which identify a well-known object such as uncle Tom's cabin are permitted.

The other students are limited to 20 questions. If they cannot guess the word(s) within the allotted number of questions, then they lose the game. This is a competitive game. The class can compete against the teacher, taking equal numbers of turns at selecting the object or asking the questions, and the TEACHER and STUDENT scores can be recorded on the board. Teachers should adjust the level of difficulty when it is their turn to select objects to make a fairly equal contest.

Maley, Alan CUP 2005 Drama Techniques: a resource book of communication activities

Maley & Duff CUP 1978 repr 1980 Drama Techniques in Language Learning

Lee,WR OUP Language Teaching Games & Contests

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Reading Games and Teaching Tips from DORBOOKS

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Dorbooks Reading Games (excerpted from Phonics Pathways, © 2005 Dolores G. Hiskes): Sometimes reading a whole page of lessons can be daunting to beginning readers. Why not break it up, and make it more fun? It's the same material, but in a different, more digestible format -- smaller, bite-sized pieces in a game format that can be so much more enjoyable to young learners!

1. ECHO (For short-vowel sounds)
Individual or Classroom:
Make a list of about 10 words that begin with the short-vowel sound you are working on, such as the "a" in "apple," using the picture words from the short "a" page. Sprinkle in about 5 words that do not begin with that sound, such as "rug," etc.

Mix the words up, and read them slowly with emphasis. Students should repeat the word if you say a word beginning with that sound, but put their hand over their mouth and say nothing if the word begins with another sound. Repeat this activity with the rest of the vowels as they are learned.

2. ALL IN A ROW (For short-vowel words)
Have five students stand in a row in front of the class, each one holding up a sheet of paper with a very large vowel written on it. Read words containing random short-vowel sounds, each time choosing a student to go up and stand by the person holding the correct vowel and say the vowel sound.

Individual or Classroom:
(a) Write the vowels horizontally in large letters on a chalkboard, and have your student point to the correct letter and repeat the sound.

(b) Make a master sheet with large vowels on top and vertical lines separating each one, and have your student write the letter in the correct column after you say the sound.

Everyone opens their book and reads the same page. Walk around with a portable microphone, and choose a student randomly to read out loud into the microphone. All students should follow along, reading silently and running their finger under the word/sentence being read. Each one must be ready to be "on the air," as nobody knows who will be chosen next!

Use the computer to make little word, phrase, or sentence strips taken from the page you are working on. Cut them out, fold them in two and put them in an empty kleenex box. Divide the class into two groups. Students take turns reaching in the box, catching a "fish" and reading it. The first group to finish wins the fishing marathon!

Use the computer to make little word, phrase, or sentence strips taken from that page. Cut them out, fold each one, and put them into a *Reading Box* for your young learner to pick out himself, open, and read one at a time. It's just what many students need! They enjoy being *in control,* fishing them out of the box, and reading them one by one, all by themselves.

Put 8 "lifeboats" (carpet-squares, towels, etc.) on the floor in a row. Eight students march around them while you read a variety of words, most of which contain the sound you are working on but some of which do not. When you read a word not having that sound they must sit on or touch a lifeboat. Remove one lifeboat each time. Students must share the dwindling supply until only one lifeboat is left. (Make sure it is the biggest one!)

Student "swims" (read "marches") around and around a "lifeboat" (see above) while you read words which contain the sound you are working on. When you read a word that does not, he must sit down as quickly as he can in the lifeboat before it drifts away!

Put 9 chairs in a row, every other one facing backwards. Eight students circle the chairs while you read a variety of words, most of which contain the sound you are working on but some of which do not. When you read a word not having that sound the students scramble to sit down. The student left standing goes back to his seat. Remove a chair and keep playing until only one student is left.

Copy the page you are working on, cut the words, phrases, or sentences into equal sizes, and fold them up. Hide them around the room, and see who can find the most "treasures!" They must read each note as it is found. (This could also be played with two teams, depending on the classroom setup and number of students.)

For individual use, another way to play it is have one note lead to another. Write the word/phrase/sentence down, fold the paper in half, and on one side of the folded half write a clue as to where the next note can be found, such as "On a bed," "In a pot," "On a desk," etc. Each clue leads to the next one. (Having some kind of treat at the very end is always a great motivator!)

Our family loves Treasure Hunts! We do it for birthdays and other special days with a gift at the other end. The pleasure our family derives from this activity is greater each time a birthday or holiday rolls around and we have our special Treasure Hunt--adults included!

(Since our two grandchildren had different reading abilities when younger, these clues were written for obviously varying reading levels. The simpler clues were printed in much larger letters, and were used by our fledgling reader, who was just beginning to read three-letter words and simple sentences. The other clues were read by her older brother. At this point in time both of them can read almost anything, so the clues naturally are far more complex.)

Make sure that one note always leads to the next one! Numbering them can help. Mix or match as desired, use as many or few as desired. Make up your own clues. Happy hunting!

Click here to read some sample clues to get you started on your Treasure Hunt!
Teaching reading is really very simple - anyone can teach it,
and everyone can learn!

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Tak bisa jadi sahabad
Apalagi kekasih

Haruskah jadi musuh?
Sedang aku tak tau,
Hal apa yang membuadku ingin melupakanmu

Tak adakah keadaan,
Yang lebih baik untuk kita?

Bukan teman
Bukan kekasih
Bukan musuh

Akan begini selamanya

Death of a Salesman By Arthur Miller
NIM A320080304
Kelas B

A. The Character and Characterization
Main Characters
o Willy Loman - a 63 year old once popular salesman who’s lost his popularity and sales, not to mention his mind.
o Biff Loman - a 34 year old son of Willy who has been searching for himself while working on farms in the west to the dismay of his father.
o Happy Loman - The younger brother of Biff who tries in all he can to please his father and attempts to continue his father’s dream after he dies.
o Linda Loman - The wife of Willy who tries to protect Willy’s feelings and can’t make herself confront him if it means hurting his feelings.
Minor Characters
o Bernard - A bookish friend of Biff and Happy who urges Biff to study in high school to no avail, however, he himself makes it as a prominent lawyer and goes to argue a case to the supreme court at the end of the play.
o Charley - Bernard’s father who is fairly successful and offers Willy a job which Willy refuses on the basis of pride.

B. Setting, place and time
Late 1940s; Willy Loman's house; New York City and Barnaby River; Boston

o Willy’s house - Small house in New York surrounded by apartments.
o Restaurant - Restaurant where Stanley works where the Lomans were supposed to have dinner at the end of the play.
o The hotel - The hotel where Willy stays while in New England for his business trips. This is where Biff catches his father in the affair.
Date premiered : 10 February 1949

C. Language style

The style and devices Miller uses enhances Willy’s mental state. By using flashback and reveries, he allows the audience to get into the mind of Willy Loman and brings us into a sense of pity for him. Miller also uses a lot of motifs and repeated ideas through the play to give the viewers an idea of what Willy and his situation is all about. Personal attractiveness is an oft repeated motif. It shows that Willy believes that personal attractiveness makes one successful, but his belief is shot down by the success of Charley and Bernard who, in his mind, are not personally attractive. Other motifs are debt which sadly the Lomans escape after Willy dies, stealing which Willy condones, even encourages, the boxed-in feeling of Willy, the idea that Willy’s life is passing him by, expressed in the quote, “The woods are burning,” and Ben’s success and the qualities that brought about his success.

D. Plot the story

Biff returns from the west to visit his family although he doesn’t know how long he’s going to stay. Happy is glad to see him, but Willy seems strangely irritated. He talks to old friends he imagines to the chagrin of his family, but no one has the heart to confront him about it. Willy has a flashback of a time when Biff and Happy were promising high school students. In the flashback, Willy gives his sons a punching bag. He also condones Biff’s stealing of a football and doesn’t encourage them to study as much as they should. He emphasizes being well liked. After the flashback, Happy talks with Willy and asks him why he didn’t go to New England for his business trip. Willy explains that he almost hit a kid in Yonkers. He also tells his sons of his brother Ben who made a fortune on a trip to Africa.
Charley comes to Willy’s house at night complaining of not being able to sleep. Charley and Willy play cards, but at the same time, Willy hold a conversation with his imaginary brother. Charley has no idea what’s going on and leaves. Willy continues the conversation regretting that he stayed in American while he could have gone to Alaska or Africa with his brother and made a fortune. While Willy is having this imaginary conversation, Biff talks with Linda and asks her about Willy’s condition. Linda explains that she can’t bring herself to confront Willy about it. She also tells Biff that Willy has attempted suicide by crashing the car several times. Willy comes out of his reverie and speaks with his family about their jobs. Happy has an idea of starting a line of sporting goods so Biff decides to go to Bill Oliver to ask to borrow money. Willy decides to go to Howard the next day to ask if he can work in New York so that he wouldn’t have to drive 700 miles to work.. The next day Willy goes to Howard and Biff goes to see Oliver. They decide to celebrate their success by going out for dinner at night. When Willy talks with Howard, he loses his temper and begins yelling at Howard who in turn fires him. After Biff goes to see Bill, Bill doesn’t remember him and doesn’t lend him money. At night, Biff and Happy arrive at the restaurant before their father. Biff explains to happy that he didn’t get the money, and happy encourages his brother to lie. Willy arrives. Biff tries to tell Willy that he didn’t get the money and that he stole a fountain pen from Bill. However, Happy is at the same time lying to Willy that Bill warmly welcomed Biff. Willy apparently accepts Happy’s version. Willy tells his sons that he was fired and falls into his reverie having a flashback of the time Biff caught him in his affair. He remembers that it was that moment that Biff’s life ended. Happy does not want to put up with his father and leaves with Biff and two girls they met earlier at the restaurant. The two of them arrive home late and the coldly receives by Linda. Biff confronts Willy about his suicide attempts and Willy denies everything. He tells Biff that he did not get any money from Oliver and has no hope go get any money. He accuses Willy of not know who he really is. However, after this, Biff cries and leaves. Willy realizes that Biff loves him and decides to celebrate by killing himself by crashing the car which would give his family 20 thousand dollar in life insurance. No one but his family and Charley goes to his funeral.

E. Conclusion

o The moral value of the story
If we want to get what we want and being needed by others we should hard work to get and to be that. If we just imagine and imagine or day dreaming, that won’t be come true.
o Kind of The Story
This story is classified as “man vs. society”, because the conflict arises because of Willy cannot be proper father for his family and as a man in his society he is failed.

Death of a Salesman By Arthur Mill
NIM A320080304
Kelas B

A. The Character and Characterization
Main Characters
o Willy Loman - a 63 year old once popular salesman who’s lost his popularity and sales, not to mention his mind.
o Biff Loman - a 34 year old son of Willy who has been searching for himself while working on farms in the west to the dismay of his father.
o Happy Loman - The younger brother of Biff who tries in all he can to please his father and attempts to continue his father’s dream after he dies.
o Linda Loman - The wife of Willy who tries to protect Willy’s feelings and can’t make herself confront him if it means hurting his feelings.
Minor Characters
o Bernard - A bookish friend of Biff and Happy who urges Biff to study in high school to no avail, however, he himself makes it as a prominent lawyer and goes to argue a case to the supreme court at the end of the play.
o Charley - Bernard’s father who is fairly successful and offers Willy a job which Willy refuses on the basis of pride.

B. Setting, place and time
Late 1940s; Willy Loman's house; New York City and Barnaby River; Boston

o Willy’s house - Small house in New York surrounded by apartments.
o Restaurant - Restaurant where Stanley works where the Lomans were supposed to have dinner at the end of the play.
o The hotel - The hotel where Willy stays while in New England for his business trips. This is where Biff catches his father in the affair.
Date premiered : 10 February 1949

C. Language style

The style and devices Miller uses enhances Willy’s mental state. By using flashback and reveries, he allows the audience to get into the mind of Willy Loman and brings us into a sense of pity for him. Miller also uses a lot of motifs and repeated ideas through the play to give the viewers an idea of what Willy and his situation is all about. Personal attractiveness is an oft repeated motif. It shows that Willy believes that personal attractiveness makes one successful, but his belief is shot down by the success of Charley and Bernard who, in his mind, are not personally attractive. Other motifs are debt which sadly the Lomans escape after Willy dies, stealing which Willy condones, even encourages, the boxed-in feeling of Willy, the idea that Willy’s life is passing him by, expressed in the quote, “The woods are burning,” and Ben’s success and the qualities that brought about his success.

D. Plot the story

Biff returns from the west to visit his family although he doesn’t know how long he’s going to stay. Happy is glad to see him, but Willy seems strangely irritated. He talks to old friends he imagines to the chagrin of his family, but no one has the heart to confront him about it. Willy has a flashback of a time when Biff and Happy were promising high school students. In the flashback, Willy gives his sons a punching bag. He also condones Biff’s stealing of a football and doesn’t encourage them to study as much as they should. He emphasizes being well liked. After the flashback, Happy talks with Willy and asks him why he didn’t go to New England for his business trip. Willy explains that he almost hit a kid in Yonkers. He also tells his sons of his brother Ben who made a fortune on a trip to Africa.
Charley comes to Willy’s house at night complaining of not being able to sleep. Charley and Willy play cards, but at the same time, Willy hold a conversation with his imaginary brother. Charley has no idea what’s going on and leaves. Willy continues the conversation regretting that he stayed in American while he could have gone to Alaska or Africa with his brother and made a fortune. While Willy is having this imaginary conversation, Biff talks with Linda and asks her about Willy’s condition. Linda explains that she can’t bring herself to confront Willy about it. She also tells Biff that Willy has attempted suicide by crashing the car several times. Willy comes out of his reverie and speaks with his family about their jobs. Happy has an idea of starting a line of sporting goods so Biff decides to go to Bill Oliver to ask to borrow money. Willy decides to go to Howard the next day to ask if he can work in New York so that he wouldn’t have to drive 700 miles to work.. The next day Willy goes to Howard and Biff goes to see Oliver. They decide to celebrate their success by going out for dinner at night. When Willy talks with Howard, he loses his temper and begins yelling at Howard who in turn fires him. After Biff goes to see Bill, Bill doesn’t remember him and doesn’t lend him money. At night, Biff and Happy arrive at the restaurant before their father. Biff explains to happy that he didn’t get the money, and happy encourages his brother to lie. Willy arrives. Biff tries to tell Willy that he didn’t get the money and that he stole a fountain pen from Bill. However, Happy is at the same time lying to Willy that Bill warmly welcomed Biff. Willy apparently accepts Happy’s version. Willy tells his sons that he was fired and falls into his reverie having a flashback of the time Biff caught him in his affair. He remembers that it was that moment that Biff’s life ended. Happy does not want to put up with his father and leaves with Biff and two girls they met earlier at the restaurant. The two of them arrive home late and the coldly receives by Linda. Biff confronts Willy about his suicide attempts and Willy denies everything. He tells Biff that he did not get any money from Oliver and has no hope go get any money. He accuses Willy of not know who he really is. However, after this, Biff cries and leaves. Willy realizes that Biff loves him and decides to celebrate by killing himself by crashing the car which would give his family 20 thousand dollar in life insurance. No one but his family and Charley goes to his funeral.

E. Conclusion

o The moral value of the story
If we want to get what we want and being needed by others we should hard work to get and to be that. If we just imagine and imagine or day dreaming, that won’t be come true.
o Kind of The Story
This story is classified as “man vs. society”, because the conflict arises because of Willy cannot be proper father for his family and as a man in his society he is failed.


ya rabb,...
C.I.N.T.A. yang engkau berikan begitu indah.
C.I.N.T.A. itu begitu suci.
hanya saja manusia yangslalu mengubah makna C.I.N.T.A. menjadi semu.
jika memang dia yang kau kirim untuk menjadi penyejuk hati ku, akan ku berikan ketulusan hati ini untuk nya.
jika memang bukan dia, aku akan slalu mengenangnya sebagai sebuah anugrah terindah.
atas rasa C.I.N.T.A., atas rasa R.I.N.D.U., aku bersujud memohon sebuah petunjuk agar C.I.N.T.A. ini menjadi lurus.


A 320 080 304

Analysis the Zoo Story

A. Character and characterization

1. Peter:
Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets who lives in ignorance of the world outside his settled life.

2. Jerry:
Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man who lives in a boarding house and is very troubled.

B. Setting:

1. Place: New York's Central Park Zoo.

2. Time: on a sunny afternoon.

C. Plot:

While Peter is reading a book on a bench in Central Park, he is interrupted by Jerry, a total stranger, who announces that he has just been to the zoo. Anxious to return to his reading, Peter reacts with merely vague interest and lights his pipe, but he is immediately made uncomfortable by Jerry’s queries about his marital status, children, work, and menage of cats and parakeets. After repeating that he has been to the zoo and that Peter will read about it in the papers the next day if he does not see it on television that very night, Jerry follows several digressions about sociological class distinctions, literary tastes, and his daylong wanderings. Peter is embarrassed to hear these sordid details. Jerry says that, unlike Peter, he owns little except for toilet articles, pornographic playing cards, eight or nine books, cutlery, empty picture frames, an old Western Union typewriter that prints nothing but capital letters, and a small box containing letters and some sea-rounded rocks that he picked up on a beach when he was a boy. Jerry confides that his relationships with women are limited to solitary encounters with prostitutes and that his only love affair was a brief one, at age fifteen, with a Greek boy. Then he launches into a long monologue about his disgusting, lusty, alcoholic landlady and her ugly, savage black dog that attacked Jerry daily whenever he tried to enter the rooming house, although he attempted to pacify it by feeding it hamburger for six days. On the seventh day, he poisoned the meat, and the dog fell extremely ill. Strangely, Jerry no longer wanted the dog to die; he had come to believe that if he could somehow make contact with the dog, he could then make contact with people. From then on, Jerry and the dog lapsed into mutual indifference. Jerry claims to have learned from this misadventure that kindness and cruelty, like other conflicting emotions, are the reality of being. Grotesquely exhausted at the end of the story, Jerry sits down on the bench beside Peter and sees that he has annoyed and confused Peter instead of making a breakthrough in communication. Suddenly playful, he tickles Peter’s ribs, driving Peter into almost hysterical laughter. He pokes Peter, then punches him in the arm and forces him to move down the bench. Easily goaded by Jerry’s insults to his manhood, Peter decides to fight for the bench, but when Jerry clicks open a knife and tosses it at him, Peter refuses to pick it up. Jerry rushes over, grabs him by the collar, slaps him, spits on his face, and forces Peter to dart for the knife. Then, sighing heavily, Jerry charges Peter and impales himself on the knife. As Jerry crumbles back onto the bench, with his eyes and mouth wide in agony, his voice acquires an eerie remoteness. Peter is transfixed as Jerry, with faint laughter, tries to summarize in broken, disjointed sentences his knowledge of his own actions. The world, he has found, is a zoo, and he thanks Peter for ending his anguished life. Slowly wiping clean the knife handle with his own handkerchief, Jerry urges Peter to hurry away.

D. Point of View:

The point of view is the third person. Narrator is not involved in this drama. The narrator is just telling the story.

E. Themes:

The first theme used within this story is isolation. Regardless of who you are, most people have felt isolation at one point in time during their life. Anyone can really relate to this theme the author used in this play. Jerry feels isolated from the world because he has no one to turn to or talk to. No one really knows if he chooses to be like this or not though. Jerry’s isolation keeps him from communicating with other people while he lives by himself in a room in a 4-story boarding house. Jerry could have isolated himself from everyone else as a defensive trait.

The second theme is social outcast. Jerry himself is a social outcast. Jerry feels that he is portrayed as being rejected by society, even though it is him that chooses to reject himself from society. In turn Jerry is being a loner instead of being a social outcast that is portrayed as the theme of the play. Jerry explains his life to a random man sitting on a park bench. He explains to Peter, the man on the bench, about his life by starting a conversation about what has happened at the zoo in order to talk to Peter.

F. Conclusion:

The conclusion of comic drama is representing the relationship between man versus society.

Tugas Drama "The Proposal"

Class B

By: Anton Chekhov

1. Character and Characterization:

a. Stepan:
Chubukov is a landowner. His physical looks like 60 years old. He is a kind-man and polite, for instance to his neighbor. He is relax and senile.
b. Natalya:
Natalya is a Chubukov’s daughter. She is 25 years old. Natalya is a fussy girl. She wants to get everything what she wants. She is in love, egad, she is like a love-sick cat.
c. Ivan:
Ivan is a neighbor of Chubukov. He is 35 years old, a critical age. Ivan is a large and hearty. If he gets nervous, his heart’s palpitating awfully, especially when face with Natalya. He does not have a brave in front of woman.

2. Setting:
a. Place:
It is happened in Chubunkov’s country-house, exactly a t drawing room.
b. Time:
It is happened in evening, about 7 p.m.

3. Plot Summary
In the evening, Lomov comes to Chubunkov’s house. He wears evening dress, gloves, hat, and so on. Chubunkov is surprised but feels so glad when meet him. Lomov says that he wants to propose Natalya, Chubunkov’s daughter. Chubunkov is very happy when hears that and directly accepts the proposal. Lomov feels he is not proper man to Natalya. It is the right time for Lomov to ask Natalya in marriage. Chubunkov shouts to call Natlya. Natalya enters to drawing room. She seems happy and shy. First they are talking about the wheather. Then when Lomov discusses Oxen meadows is his mine, Natalya becomes dies angry and says disagreement. She quarrels with Lomov to get land right. Natalya humiliates Lomov, she thinks that he is a good neighbor but Lomov is just a Land-grabber, Lomov can not control has emotional sense and shout to Natalya. The situation becomes more critical, Lomov and Chubukov humiliate their family each other. Lomov’s heart cannot stop palpitate. Then he decide to leave that house. After Lomovs leaving them, Chubukov forget to say that actually Lemov’s co,oing is to propose Natalya. He wants to make a proposal. Natalya is shocked when hear that. She wants Lomov comeback soon. Natalya shall acknowledge that Oxen Meadows is Lomov’s mine. She also asks forgiving abaout debating before. Chubukov is greatly asthonished with the alteration of his daughter opinion. When Natalya and Lomov talks something else and they talk about their dogs. But they repeat their fight anymore. Lomov argues that Guess is the best dog. He is a first-rate dog. But Natalya disagree it, the squeezer is better than Guess. Chubukov joins the dispute. They compare their dogs and tell the ugliness. Suddenly, Lomov feels numb and collapse. Natalya shouts to her papa, Lomov has died. Chubukov is frightened and take a drink to make Lomov awake. Unexpectedly, Lomov becomes aware, and Chubukov ask to them marry as quickly. Natalya is willing to marry with Lomov.
4. Conclusion
This story about a jock story. The story is so funny with the actor and actrist which so funny. This drama can intertainment us and the story so easy to understand. There are any three actors in this story: Itepan, Natalya and Ivan. We can take the positive point of this story, there are the differences of us can not be something that make someone be enemy. Finally the differences of us will be something that good and nice in the end. So we must accept the differences between us and then respect each other.

Tugas Drama "Death of The Salesman"

Death of a Salesman By Arthur Miller
Ana Wahyu D A
NIM A320080304
Kelas B

A. The Character and Characterization
Main Characters
o Willy Loman - a 63 year old once popular salesman who’s lost his popularity and sales, not to mention his mind.
o Biff Loman - a 34 year old son of Willy who has been searching for himself while working on farms in the west to the dismay of his father.
o Happy Loman - The younger brother of Biff who tries in all he can to please his father and attempts to continue his father’s dream after he dies.
o Linda Loman - The wife of Willy who tries to protect Willy’s feelings and can’t make herself confront him if it means hurting his feelings.
Minor Characters
o Bernard - A bookish friend of Biff and Happy who urges Biff to study in high school to no avail, however, he himself makes it as a prominent lawyer and goes to argue a case to the supreme court at the end of the play.
o Charley - Bernard’s father who is fairly successful and offers Willy a job which Willy refuses on the basis of pride.

B. Setting, place and time
Late 1940s; Willy Loman's house; New York City and Barnaby River; Boston

o Willy’s house - Small house in New York surrounded by apartments.
o Restaurant - Restaurant where Stanley works where the Lomans were supposed to have dinner at the end of the play.
o The hotel - The hotel where Willy stays while in New England for his business trips. This is where Biff catches his father in the affair.
Date premiered : 10 February 1949

C. Language style

The style and devices Miller uses enhances Willy’s mental state. By using flashback and reveries, he allows the audience to get into the mind of Willy Loman and brings us into a sense of pity for him. Miller also uses a lot of motifs and repeated ideas through the play to give the viewers an idea of what Willy and his situation is all about. Personal attractiveness is an oft repeated motif. It shows that Willy believes that personal attractiveness makes one successful, but his belief is shot down by the success of Charley and Bernard who, in his mind, are not personally attractive. Other motifs are debt which sadly the Lomans escape after Willy dies, stealing which Willy condones, even encourages, the boxed-in feeling of Willy, the idea that Willy’s life is passing him by, expressed in the quote, “The woods are burning,” and Ben’s success and the qualities that brought about his success.

D. Plot the story

Biff returns from the west to visit his family although he doesn’t know how long he’s going to stay. Happy is glad to see him, but Willy seems strangely irritated. He talks to old friends he imagines to the chagrin of his family, but no one has the heart to confront him about it. Willy has a flashback of a time when Biff and Happy were promising high school students. In the flashback, Willy gives his sons a punching bag. He also condones Biff’s stealing of a football and doesn’t encourage them to study as much as they should. He emphasizes being well liked. After the flashback, Happy talks with Willy and asks him why he didn’t go to New England for his business trip. Willy explains that he almost hit a kid in Yonkers. He also tells his sons of his brother Ben who made a fortune on a trip to Africa.
Charley comes to Willy’s house at night complaining of not being able to sleep. Charley and Willy play cards, but at the same time, Willy hold a conversation with his imaginary brother. Charley has no idea what’s going on and leaves. Willy continues the conversation regretting that he stayed in American while he could have gone to Alaska or Africa with his brother and made a fortune. While Willy is having this imaginary conversation, Biff talks with Linda and asks her about Willy’s condition. Linda explains that she can’t bring herself to confront Willy about it. She also tells Biff that Willy has attempted suicide by crashing the car several times. Willy comes out of his reverie and speaks with his family about their jobs. Happy has an idea of starting a line of sporting goods so Biff decides to go to Bill Oliver to ask to borrow money. Willy decides to go to Howard the next day to ask if he can work in New York so that he wouldn’t have to drive 700 miles to work.. The next day Willy goes to Howard and Biff goes to see Oliver. They decide to celebrate their success by going out for dinner at night. When Willy talks with Howard, he loses his temper and begins yelling at Howard who in turn fires him. After Biff goes to see Bill, Bill doesn’t remember him and doesn’t lend him money. At night, Biff and Happy arrive at the restaurant before their father. Biff explains to happy that he didn’t get the money, and happy encourages his brother to lie. Willy arrives. Biff tries to tell Willy that he didn’t get the money and that he stole a fountain pen from Bill. However, Happy is at the same time lying to Willy that Bill warmly welcomed Biff. Willy apparently accepts Happy’s version. Willy tells his sons that he was fired and falls into his reverie having a flashback of the time Biff caught him in his affair. He remembers that it was that moment that Biff’s life ended. Happy does not want to put up with his father and leaves with Biff and two girls they met earlier at the restaurant. The two of them arrive home late and the coldly receives by Linda. Biff confronts Willy about his suicide attempts and Willy denies everything. He tells Biff that he did not get any money from Oliver and has no hope go get any money. He accuses Willy of not know who he really is. However, after this, Biff cries and leaves. Willy realizes that Biff loves him and decides to celebrate by killing himself by crashing the car which would give his family 20 thousand dollar in life insurance. No one but his family and Charley goes to his funeral.

E. Conclusion

o The moral value of the story
If we want to get what we want and being needed by others we should hard work to get and to be that. If we just imagine and imagine or day dreaming, that won’t be come true.
o Kind of The Story
This story is classified as “man vs. society”, because the conflict arises because of Willy cannot be proper father for his family and as a man in his society he is failed.


Ku Berkaca kaca disamping puasa mu Ayah,

Tersendat mengeja nama mu, mengeja jalan hidup ini,

Dengan tertunduk ku coba mengisah kan kasih sayang mu yang ku rindu kan,

Kau bagai jadi satu mukjizat bagi ku, dan disaat para utusan itu memanggil mu...

Kau laksana sedang tasbih mengelu elu kan Asma Nya,

yang ada hanya suara suara tangisan.

Ku damai disamping pusara mu Ayah, dengan kamboja yang ku petik ini,

semoga disekitar mu dinyalakan api di malam hari menghangat kan tidur pajang mu di temani para pendahulu,

Moyang ku, seakan kau sedang berkhotbah diantara mereka, mendermakan ketulusan hati mu, menjaga ku mereka para penerus mu...

Ku smakin tersedu di samping pusara mu Ayah,

Ketangguhan ku selama ini trus pupus sudah,

Tanpa mu Ku merasa tersesat di hamparan jalan yang terbentang, dan untuk mu Ayah..

Gelombang ucapan dari sang Maha Rahman dengan pemberkatan hati hati yang mewangi,

Karena kebesaran jiwa mu kan slalu mendapat penjagaan dari penjaga yang terpercaya.

I don't know what I feel....

Aku sedih saad DIA jauh

Aku gugup saad DIA dekad

Aku salah tingkah saad DIA menjauh mendekad

Tiap muncul sang bintang, Aku slalu bercerita tentana DIA pada sang bintang...

Bercerita tentang masa lalu yang indah, lucu, menjengkelkan, menyedihkan,

dan...., ah, Aku tak bisa mengucapkan nya.

Kadang aku tertawa, sedih, menangis dan menangis.

Tapi aku slalu ingad tuk berharap agar kebahagiaan datang menghampiri DIA.

Walaupun aku jauh, aku yakin...

Aku bisa merasakan apa yang DIA rasakan.

Karena aku telah mempunyai rasa yang lebih dalam untuk DIA.

Rasa yang aku pendam slama aku mengenal DIA.

Tapi, apa yang aku rasakan tak akan berarti apa apa bagi DIA,

Dan DIA tidak akan pernah tau apa yang kurasakan,

Kalaupun akhirnya DIA tau...

Mungkin....., DIA akan menganggapnya angin lalu.

Dan aku semakin terpuruk, sakid, pedih, dan hilang ditelan malam...

" i will always be your secret admire...."


A. 320 080 304


1. Character
a. The Professor (aged 50-60) (male)
An intellectual man, egoist, easy to loss control, murderer.
b. The Young pupil (aged 18) (female)
A diligent student, have high spirit, discipline, confidence, weak (strength of body).
c. The Maid “Marie” (45-50) (female)
Have psychology problem, strong, brave, carefully, smart.

2. Theme
The story begins and ends in a predominantly black neighborhood in New York City, probably Harlem, but most of the action takes place outside and inside the Fifth Avenue toy store. The contrast between these two settings underscores Miss Moore's lesson in economic disparity.
3. Setting
a. Time
In the morning when summer season.
b. Place
The office of the old professor, which also serves as a dining room. To the left, a door opens onto the apartment’s stair; upstage, to the right, another door opens onto a corridor of the apartments. Upstage, a little left of center, a window. The low building with red roofs of a small town can be seen in the distance. The sky is grayish-blue. The table doubles as a desk, it stands a provincial bullet. The tables’ doubles as a desk, it stands at stage center. There are three chair around the table, and two more stand on each side of the window. Light-colored wallpaper, some shelves with books.

4. Plot
The drama using traditional plot structure. In this plot, there are four sequential levels; exposition-complication-climax or turning point-resolution.
a. Exposition
It presents the introduction of the character and characterization, the problem, and also situation. In this case the part of exposition is start from first story until pupil explains her purpose or willing to Professor.
b. Complication
Complication involves the tension of conflicts. In this case the part of complication is start from professor given lesson until professor out of control because in under pressure/stress.
c. Climax
Climax is the highest tension of complication and it happened when the complication became the highest tension. In this case the part of Climax is when the professor out control and kill the pupil.
d. Resolution
Resolution is the outcome of the story ends and it’s the end the story’s problem. In this case the part of resolution is when the maid come and explains something that has been her thinking. Then, they together had hidden body the pupil until the end of the story.

Buad : KEKASIH KU (entah siapa, hehhehe...) yg ada di entah dimana ?????

Aku punya banyak kisah untuk kamu, tapi tak satu pun kisah yang bisa menggatikan kisah antara kamu dan aku.
Aku pernah jalan-jalan bersama serombongan teman, kami tertawa dan senang sekali tapi itu tak sesenang hatiku tiap kali aku pandang kamu tersenyum.
Aku juga sering berjalan kepanasan diluar sana, lalu mencari tempad untuk berteduh, duhhhhh rasanya teduh dan ademmm banged tapi aku sadar betul itu tidak seteduh saad aku pandang matamu dan tidak seadem saad kamu duduk disampingku.
Oh iya, aku juga punya banyak pernak-pernik yang bagus-bagus dan amad ku suka tapi kamu harus tau bahwa yang paling berharga yang aku miliki hanya kamu dan yang paling aku suka hanya kamu.
Aku juga punya banyak hobi loh...!!! dari maen alad musik, membaca, travelling nonton, nulis, dan laennya, tapi hobi yang paling aku suka adalah hobi nggodain kamu sampai kamu tersipu dengan pipi memerah.
Pekerjaanku banyak sekali dan sering membuadku sangad leleh tapi semua itu tak selelah bila aku tak bertemu kamu.Aku juga pernah bersedih loh...., entah paa penyebabanya tapi tetep saja tidak sesedih bila aku liad kamu sedang bersusah hati.
Semua ini nggak gombal loh..!!!!! kalau pun gombal itupun hanya untuk kamu, yang lain nggak bakal menikmati gombalan ini.
Ya sudah, sampai disini dulu ya cyank, aku mo kembali belajar, kan "hidup itu harus belajar dan belajar itu harus dengan cinta, biar hidup menjadi indah seindah hjdup ku karena ada kamu dan belajar pun jadi betah sebetah aku bersamamu."

Thoushand Kisses
KEKASIHNYA (entah siapa hehehehe....)

