A. 320 080 304


1. Character
a. The Professor (aged 50-60) (male)
An intellectual man, egoist, easy to loss control, murderer.
b. The Young pupil (aged 18) (female)
A diligent student, have high spirit, discipline, confidence, weak (strength of body).
c. The Maid “Marie” (45-50) (female)
Have psychology problem, strong, brave, carefully, smart.

2. Theme
The story begins and ends in a predominantly black neighborhood in New York City, probably Harlem, but most of the action takes place outside and inside the Fifth Avenue toy store. The contrast between these two settings underscores Miss Moore's lesson in economic disparity.
3. Setting
a. Time
In the morning when summer season.
b. Place
The office of the old professor, which also serves as a dining room. To the left, a door opens onto the apartment’s stair; upstage, to the right, another door opens onto a corridor of the apartments. Upstage, a little left of center, a window. The low building with red roofs of a small town can be seen in the distance. The sky is grayish-blue. The table doubles as a desk, it stands a provincial bullet. The tables’ doubles as a desk, it stands at stage center. There are three chair around the table, and two more stand on each side of the window. Light-colored wallpaper, some shelves with books.

4. Plot
The drama using traditional plot structure. In this plot, there are four sequential levels; exposition-complication-climax or turning point-resolution.
a. Exposition
It presents the introduction of the character and characterization, the problem, and also situation. In this case the part of exposition is start from first story until pupil explains her purpose or willing to Professor.
b. Complication
Complication involves the tension of conflicts. In this case the part of complication is start from professor given lesson until professor out of control because in under pressure/stress.
c. Climax
Climax is the highest tension of complication and it happened when the complication became the highest tension. In this case the part of Climax is when the professor out control and kill the pupil.
d. Resolution
Resolution is the outcome of the story ends and it’s the end the story’s problem. In this case the part of resolution is when the maid come and explains something that has been her thinking. Then, they together had hidden body the pupil until the end of the story.